Press Releases for christmas gifts to india

  • 1038

    Online Christmas Gifts Store with a difference, opened by has entirely revamped its online Christmas Gifts Store 2009, with a wide array of Christmas products and backed by Infibeam's hallmark express delivery options to bring you closer to each other this Christmas. The online Christmas Gifts Store includes everything to celebrate Christmas or New Year. Xmas decorations including Xmas trees, candles, chocolates, wine and flowers - everything at Infibeam online Christmas Gifts Store.

    By : | 12-16-2009 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 1038

  • 594

    Gifts2IndiaOnline Brings Out Its Huge Range of Christmas Cake

    The one stop gifting store, has come up with its latest collection of Christmas cakes for the purpose of sending gifts to India. People can send these Christmas cakes to India on this upcoming festival.

    By : | 12-01-2011 | Consumer:Gifts And Collectibles | Total Views : 594